Innovation Vouchers


Programme Category

Cyprus Recovery And Resilience Plan

Programme Name

Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan – Axis 3. Strengthening the resilience and competitiveness of the economy

Programme Description

The third Policy Axis aims to improve the competitiveness and resilience of the Cypriot economy. In addition to the other axes, it includes measures that contribute to the promotion of a new model of development and international competitiveness of the Cypriot economy, based on the results of the relevant study of the Cyprus Economy and Competitiveness Council.

Includes investments and reforms to expand the productive base by strengthening the primary and secondary sectors of the economy, improving competitiveness and the business environment, mainly by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), diversifying and strengthening the tourism product, modernizing public administration and local authorities, reform and improve the efficiency of the judiciary, fight corruption and enhance transparency, enhance research and innovation, and the resilience of the financial sector and the financial situation.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Innovation Vouchers


«Innovation Vouchers» Programme aims to encourage Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to engage in research and innovation activities and to strengthen cooperation between enterprises and knowledge intensive organizations. SMEs will be  supported to develop innovative solutions in order to address challenges or problems they face, through the transfer of know-how from knowledge intensive organizations and access to laboratory infrastructures.

Furthermore, the Programme aims to the exploitation of academic research by the industry through the provision of advisory services by Research Organisations to enterprises, the creation of appropriate conditions for cooperation, and the increase of private expenditure in Academic and Research Organisations.

Award of Innovation Vouchers also seeks to contribute to the mitigation of one of the major challenges encountered during the implementation of research and innovation funding schemes and measures, which is the difficulty to be exploited by a large number of SMEs.

Detailed Call Description

«Innovation Vouchers» Programme, is a simple and effective instrument that will enable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to realize the importance and benefits that could emerge from their involvement in research and innovation activities and, through the relevant cooperation, to exploit technical know-how from research and other knowledge intensive organisations that can support them to develop innovative solutions to address problems they face, while strengthening their capacity for research and innovation.

Innovation Vouchers are internationally considered as one of the simplest forms of business financing, aiming to support enterprises to acquire the necessary know-how and improve their capacity for innovation and development, through their cooperation with organisations who possess the necessary expertise (knowledge intensive organisations).

«Innovation Vouchers» Programme is characterized by a relatively simple proposal submission procedure, short timeframes for evaluation and announcement of results, as well as quick project implementation and direct problem solving.

For the establishment of the partnership, the RIF offers to interested SMEs, «Innovation Vouchers» which are redeemed by organisations that will provide them with specific innovation, technical or scientific services and know-how. The implementation of the projects is expected to have a positive impact on the competitiveness of the beneficiary enterprises.

Particularly, in the case of projects in the fields of emerging information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT), mutual benefits are expected to emerged through the cooperation, for both enterprises in adopting digital technologies, and for academic research through the use of data from industry.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Maximum funding per project: € 5,000

Thematic Categories

  • Information Technology
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligibility For Participation Notes

The Host Organisation of a project must be a Small or Medium Sized Enterprise. – Host Organisations can be only «autonomous enterprises», as declared/justified in the Model Declaration on the Information Relating to the Qualification of an Enterprise as an SME and other documentation, submitted by beneficiaries during their registration in the RIF’s IRIS Portal.

Higher Education Public and Private Academic Institutions in Cyprus.
Accredited organisations by the Cyprus Organisation for the Promotion of Quality which possess the appropriate laboratory/experimental equipment to conduct measurements, tests and/or analyses.


  • The participation of Enterprises that have received funding as Host Organisations by the RIF, in previous projects in the frame of the RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes, excluding «Innovation Vouchers» – INNOVOUCHERS/1217 Call, «Proof of Concept for Technology/Knowhow Applications», and «Participation in International Brokerage Events» Programmes, is not allowed.
  • The participation of Partner Organisations and Foreign Research Organisations is not permitted.
  • The participation of the same enterprise as Beneficiary – Host Organisation and Knowledge Intensive Organisation, in different proposals in the fame of the present Call, is not allowed.

Upon the completion of the Projects, each SME is obliged to proceed with a communication action (social media post, article in local media, video, informative event etc) to present the project results, describe the cooperation with the Knowledge Intensive Organisation and highlight the benefits emerged as a result of the project.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation
29a Andrea Michalakopoulou, 1075 Nicosia

RIF Support Service
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +357 22 205 000