
  • Centres of Vocational Excellence


    Code: 35387 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PEX-COVE | Programme name: 2918 | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2024 | End submission calls: 11/06/2025

    Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) achieve their objectives by bringing together and working closely with a set of local/regional partners such as, initial and continuing VET providers, higher education institutions including universities of applied sciences and polytechnics, research institutions, science parks, innovation agencies, companies, other employers, chambers and their associations, social partners, social enterprises, sectoral skills councils, professional/sector associations, national and regional authorities and development agencies, employment services, qualifications authorities, social inclusion and reintegration organisations, etc.

  • National Call for Proposals 2025 within the Framework of the EU Call 2025 — EAC/A08/2024 for the Sectors of Education, Training, Youth and Sport


    Code: 35383 | Programme name: 2918 | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2025

    This National Call is announced in addition to the EU Call for Proposals based on Regulation (EU) 2021/817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 establishing the “Erasmus+” programme: the Union programme for education and training, youth and sport and the Erasmus+ annual work programme for 2025. The Erasmus+ programme covers the period 2021 to 2027.

  • Jean Monnet Policy Debate


    Code: 35375 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2025-NETWORKS | Programme name: 2918 | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 12/02/2025

    The 3 topics that opened for the submission of proposals, under the present call, are the following:

    • Jean Monnet Networks in other fields of education and training: Networks of schools and Vocational education and training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, and/or higher education Institutions providing Teacher Training /Education should serve the purpose of giving an international aspect to the new Jean Monnet strand and allow exchange of good practices as well as experiencing co-teaching within a group of countries.
    • Jean Monnet Network on internal policy: EU enlargement as a catalyst for progress: EU enlargement as a catalyst for progress: Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
    • Jean Monnet Network on external policy: Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).

  • Teaming for Excellence


    Code: 35370 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-WIDERA-2025-ACCESS-01-01-two-stage | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 03/12/2024 | End submission calls: 20/01/2026

    Teaming is one of the actions that stimulates the European Union to exploit its potential by maximising and spreading the benefits of research and innovation. The Teaming action is designed to support the creation of new centres of excellence or upgrading the existing ones in low R&I performing countries (except those centres of excellence that have already benefitted from previous Teaming calls). Generally, Teaming is vital for its competitiveness and its ability to address societal challenges.

    Deadline dates:

    • 10 April 2025
    • 20 January 2026

  • Erasmus Mundus Design Measures


    Code: 35368 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-EMJM-DESIGN | Programme name: 2918 | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    The main objective of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures is to encourage the development of innovative, highly integrated new internationalstudy programmes at Master level. These international study programmes are jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.

  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters


    Code: 35366 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PEX-EMJM-MOB | Programme name: 2918 | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters supports high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.

  • Jean Monnet Actions for other fields of Education and Training: Learning EU


    Code: 35364 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2025-OFET-LEARNING-EU | Programme name: 2918 | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 12/02/2025

    Learning EU initiatives will support schools & Vocational education and training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, enabling them to provide specific content on EU based subjects (democracy, EU history, how the EU works, cultural diversity -among others). Activities should be taught during the school year and could include project weeks, study visits, and other immersive activities.

  • EIC STEP Scale Up


    Code: 35323 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EIC-2025-EICSTEP-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: European Innovation Council-EIC (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 26/11/2024 | End submission calls: 16/12/2025

    The EIC STEP Scale Up call presents a unique opportunity for ambitious scale up companies (SMEs and small mid-caps) with game-changing innovations in Europe’s critical technology areas. It offers a powerful combination of financial and strategic support designed to propel your groundbreaking solution to the forefront of these sectors.

    This call is part of the implementation of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) which supports the development or manufacturing of critical technologies throughout the Union or safeguarding and strengthening their respective value chains.

  • Upskilling and reskilling the Tourism Ecosystem I Tourism Knowledge hub and Tourism Data Space


    Code: 35320 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2024-SKILL-FOR-TOURISM | Programme name: 2280 | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    This call for proposals aims at supporting the current policy work on data management and data sharing by developing guidelines on how to participate and use the D3Hub and the future common European tourism data space for destinations and SMEs in the tourism sector.

  • Agrifood and Retail SMEs – renewable energy communities


    Code: 35318 | Identifier Code: SMP-COSME-2024-REC-01 | Programme name: 3856 | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 20/02/2025

    This call for proposals aims to support the creation of local/regional renewable energy communities (RECs) across the EU integrating local Agri food and Retail SMEs.

    The creation of these RECs will contribute to reducing and stabilising the energy costs of their SME members. Support will be given by providing advisory and consulting services that facilitate the creation of RECs but may not be available to SMEs in the agri-food and retail sectors. This could be due to insufficient regional consulting / advisory capacity, or because of inaccessible prices for small companies.

    To achieve these objectives, consortia selected through this call for proposals shall themselves organise one or more calls for expressions of interest for third party support. These calls shall offer legal and technical advisory and consulting services in order to support projects aimed at establishing RECs with agri-food and retail SMEs.

  • EuroHPC International Cooperation


    Code: 35316 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2024-INCO-06 | Programme name: 24430 | Start submission calls: 19/11/2024 | End submission calls: 27/02/2025

    The objective of this call is to support the implementation of the Japan – EU Digital Partnership in order to strengthen cooperation with Japan in quantum computing R&D.

    Strengthening research cooperation between Europe and Japan in quantum computing collaboration topics under the EU-Japan Digital Partnership. The focus is on cooperation activities for optimising hybrid Quantum-HPC algorithms and codes in advanced academic and industrial applications of common interest including applications related to biomedical, material science, seismic/tsunami and/or weather and climate modelling.

  • Renovate – Rent Scheme


    Code: 35306 | Programme name: 2949 | Start submission calls: 31/10/2024 | End submission calls: 31/12/2025

    The purpose of the Scheme is to integrate into the rental market Residential Units which are Vacant / Inactive / Unused so that they can be made available for rent at an Affordable Rent to persons of moderate or low income, based on the income criteria defined in the Scheme. To achieve this purpose, financial assistance will be provided through the payment of a grant to owners of existing Vacant / Inactive / Unused Residential Units, for their Renovation / Upgrade.

  • Tenth Call for Proposals under the Plan for European Cooperating States (PECS) in Cyprus


    Code: 35295 | Identifier Code: CfP/5-50095/NL/MH/yd Activity 1000041311 | Programme name: 35291 | Start submission calls: 04/11/2024 | End submission calls: 29/11/2024

    The present Call for Proposals is addressed only to companies (including SMEs) or academic and research organisations in Cyprus. Potential Tenderers are therefore requested to note that the Agency can only consider Proposals from companies or organisations residing in Cyprus, which operate in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. However, consortia including companies organisations within other ESA Member States may be accepted if fully and clearly justified. Tasks may be assigned non-Cypriot entities as sub-contracts or external services and shall in any case not constitute the core activities of the proposed study or development. “Core Activities” shall be understood to include any work generating IPR upon which a future product or service would be dependent or any significant specialist/ bespoke elements of the work needed to enable a recurring product or service should the development be successful.

  • Bilateral Collaborations – BILATERAL/GREECE/1124


    Code: 35253 | Identifier Code: BILATERAL/GREECE/1124 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 20/11/2024 | End submission calls: 27/02/2025

    The “Bilateral Collaborations” Programme aims at developing collaborations and networking of Cypriot organisations with organisations of a specific collaboration country through the implementation of joint research Projects in selected thematic areas of interest to both parts.

    Specific targets and objectives:

    • The development of collaborations between Cypriot organisations and leading European and/or international organisations.
    • Expansion of the role and upgrade of existing bilateral agreements.
    • The development of new bilateral agreements with countries of specific interest.
    • Activation of general agreements – cooperation frameworks in matters of research and technological development through the promotion of joint programmes.
    • Promotion of the participation of Cypriot organisations in international RTDI programmes.

    The Cyprus – Greece joint Call for Proposals aims to promote and support collaboration between Greek and Cypriot scientists. The Funding Agency on the Greek side is the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation.

  • Prevention of irregular migration through awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in selected third countries and within Europe


    Code: 35247 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2024-TF2-AG-INFO-01 | Programme name: 18714 | Start submission calls: 19/11/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2025

    The general objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the prevention of irregular migration in countries of origin and transit and to undermine the business models of migrant smugglers by reducing the demand for their services.

    The aim is to provide reliable information to counter the false narrative promoted by criminal networks and to alter the perceptions and behaviour of third-country nationals considering irregular migration to the EU, as well as key influencers in their decisions, such as family members, religious or community leaders, teachers, returning migrants, and migration facilitators.

    The specific objectives of the call for proposals are to:

    • define and dispel mis- and disinformation: identify and counter false narratives spread by migrant smugglers.
    • inform potential migrants about the risks: provide trustworthy, factual, and balanced information about the risks of irregular migration during the journey and after arrival.
    • promote legal pathways: provide information on the availability of legal channels to the EU and the modalities for doing so, e.g., in relation to the issuance of visa to study and work abroad.
    • provide information on economic opportunities in the country of origin or transit, as well as share information on reintegration, voluntary and forced return.
    • build resilience in local communities: work with trusted local actors who are actively involved in outreach activities, like educators and journalists, who will ideally continue to deliver the campaign’s messages beyond the duration of the project.

  • ScienceUs Citizen Science call -Upscaling and interconnecting ongoing citizen science projects relevant to the EU mission “Adaptation to climate change”


    Code: 35226 | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 15/11/2024 | End submission calls: 30/04/2025

    The ScienceUs project aims to establish an EU-wide network of interconnected citizen science initiatives across various research and technological fields aligned with the EU mission “Adaptation to Climate Change.” To further this goal, the ScienceUs project is launching an open call to identify, scale up, and connect exceptional citizen science projects in these key areas, fostering collaboration and innovation in addressing climate adaptation challenges.

  • LIVEMX – Third Open Call for Projects


    Code: 35224 | Identifier Code: LIVEMX | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 05/11/2024 | End submission calls: 06/01/2025

    Supported by Music Moves Europe, LIVEMX aims to nurture a more diverse and sustainable music sector through dedicated funding designed to answer some specific needs of the European music ecosystem in three specific areas. This programme aims to help music organisations and professionals to develop and strengthen their skills, abilities, processes and resources to adapt and thrive in such a dynamic industry.

  • Media actions


    Code: 35222 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2025-MEDIA | Programme name: 17864 | Start submission calls: 14/11/2024 | End submission calls: 15/01/2025

    The objective of the call is to co-finance media actions by news agencies television channels, radio stations, digital media and written press.

    Digital media includes both digital-only media and digital platforms of other media, including content creators that develop news reports and articles, interviews etc. to be distributed on social media platforms.

  • Improving scientific knowledge to strengthen the science-basis of management decisions under the CFP


    Code: 35218 | Identifier Code: EMFAF-2025-PIA-FisheriesScientificAdvice | Programme name: 13524 | Start submission calls: 14/11/2024 | End submission calls: 20/02/2025

    The main objective of this Call for Proposals is to develop and strengthen the scientific knowledge needed to support the science-basis for fisheries management measures.

    The priorities related to this call are:

    • the reinforcement of policy-oriented fisheries science,
    • the better use of the collected scientific data,
    • the improved cooperation between scientists and the fisheries sector,
    • and the support of the EU scientific community in developing and maintaining the relevant expertise to provide high quality scientific advice.

    The purpose of this Call is to target additional needs for scientific knowledge, reinforcing and complementing the actions undertaken by EU bodies that have an impact in the implementation of the Common Fishery Policy.

  • Call for Proposals for the «PHD in Industry» Programme


    Code: 35215 | Identifier Code: PHD IN INDUSTRY/1124 | Programme name: 2941 | Sub-program: i. “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes | Start submission calls: 11/11/2024 | End submission calls: 27/03/2025

    The “PhD in Industry” Programme aims to fund research projects, implemented by a researcher employed in an enterprise while he is registered at a PhD Programme in a University in Cyprus. The Programme aims to promote effective collaboration between enterprises and the research/academic community since it is based on the collaboration of researchers, universities and industry, and combines the scientific research and cognitive specialization of researchers with the practical application of knowledge in industry.