Training, conferences, staff exchanges and studies


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

EU Anti-Fraud Programme

Programme Description

The EU Anti-Fraud Programme (2021-2027) has the following general objectives:

  • protecting the financial interests of the European Union by supporting action to combat irregularities, fraud and corruption affecting the EU budget
  • supporting mutual assistance between administrative authorities in EU Member States
  • ensuring the correct application of the law on customs and agricultural matters by supporting cooperation between administrative authorities in EU Member States and the European Commission
Programme Details

Identifier Code



Training, conferences, staff exchanges and studies


The 2023 EUAF Work Programme provides for a specific call for proposals to provide financial support for training, conferences, seminars, studies, webinars and e-learning activities. The projects must aim at the protection of the EU financial interests by preventing and combatting fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities affecting the EU financial interests.

Detailed Call Description

The 4 topics that opened for the submission of proposals, under the present call, are the following:

The following activities can be funded:

  • specialised training sessions: developing specialised training sessions to improve knowledge and use of IT tools, and to increase anti-fraud data-analysis abilities through the acquisition of new skills and knowledge of specialised methodologies and techniques;
  • conferences, workshops and seminars: organising conferences, workshops and seminars and creating networks and structural platforms between Member States, candidate countries, other third countries, institutions of the Union and international organisations;
  • staff exchanges: organising staff exchanges between national and regional administrations (including from candidate and neighbouring countries) to help further develop, improve and update staff skills in protecting the financial interests of the Union; and
  • comparative law studies and periodical publications: developing studies in comparative law and periodical publications.

For more information about each topic please click on the respective ID number or visit the call document (the link can be found under the “Further information” section in the present email).

Call Total Budget

The total available budget under the present call is €900 000. Project budgets (total estimated project costs) are expected to be not lower than €40 000 (except for staff exchanges).

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (80%). You can apply for a higher project funding rate (90%) if your project is a ‘priority action’, i.e.:

  • Projects undertaken by scientific and/or research organisations which fulfil at least 1 of the following criteria (a or b below) and criterion (c):
  1.  has been specifically created to promote studies in European criminal law; or
  2.   supports the creation of networks in this area; and 
  3.  these activities are geared towards protecting the financial interests of the Union


  • Projects that cover 1 of the exceptional cases for the Technical Assistance call, which are to:
  1. reflect the findings of the annual reports on implementation of Article 325 TFEU on combating fraud, in particular the identification of situations that are vulnerable and that raise the greatest threat to the protection of the financial interests of the Union;
  2. reflect the findings of the European Court of Auditors’ Special Report 19/2017 on import procedures.

Thematic Categories

  • Justice - Security
  • Public Administration

Eligibility for Participation

  • Educational Institutions
  • International Organisations
  • Local Authorities
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies) established in an EU Member State (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) or listed EEA country or country associated to the EUAF Programme.

In addition, the applicants must be:

  • national or regional public authorities or international organisations that can help to achieve a EUAF objective; or
  • research and educational institutes and non-profit making entities that can help to achieve the objectives of the EUAF Programme.

Only applications by single applicants are allowed.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

For questions about this programme, please contact:

(Publish Date: 15/03/2023-for internal use only)