Supporting the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking

Programme Description

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) that funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe.

CBE JU is operating under the rules of Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation programme, for the 2021-2031 period. The partnership is building on the success of its predecessor, the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), while addressing the current challenges facing the industry.


Programme Details

Identifier Code



Supporting the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers


Primary producers are at the beginning of the circular bio-based value chains as biomass suppliers. They also play an important role as producers and end-users of bio-based products and innovations. As such, they have a critical role in the deployment of circular and bio-based innovations. However, do not always fully benefit from the opportunities that this can offer to them and are often not entirely integrated into the bio-based value chains together with other actors. The long-term economic viability of novel bio-based business models, from which the primary producers can benefit, is sometimes uncertain and affected by associated technical barriers but also by policy, regulatory & legal barriers as well as for other unpredictable climatic or global circumstances.

The CBE JU Deployment Groups are established in accordance with articles 22 and 56 of the Council regulation establishing the Joint Undertakings, taking also into consideration the CBE Impact Assessment and the CBE JU Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

Under this framework, a specific Deployment Group of primary producers will be established to provide advice to CBE JU on critical issues encountered by primary producers with an impact on the deployment of circular bio-based solutions and innovations. In particular, the Deployment Group on primary producers will address opportunities and challenges faced by the primary sector which constitutes critical issues for the deployment of circular bio-based solutions and innovations and to ensure that primary producers benefit from their involvement in new and innovative circular and bio-based value chains.

The Deployment Group will be composed by a flexible and balanced group of stakeholders representing the primary sector, including the agricultural; forestry; and fisheries & aquaculture primary sectors. The proposal should engage primary producers from different regions and pedo-climatic zones in Europe.

Detailed Call Description

Proposals under this topic should:

  • Put in place the working modalities and tools to maintain a robust, active, engaged, and well-coordinated as well as effective CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers for at least three years.
  • Support the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers in developing and updating of an action plan to meet its objectives, while taking into consideration the particularities and specificities of each one of the identified primary sectors. Provide the means and mechanisms to implement the above-mentioned action plan.
  • Facilitate the organisation of regular CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers meetings (in-person and virtual), assist in the dialogue among the different stakeholders and sectors and prepare the reports and conclusions arising from the meetings.
  • Organise ad-hoc technical working groups to discuss specific topics, as needed, and thereby ensure that the relevant expertise is well covered to achieve tangible results.
  • In the case of face-to-face meetings of the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers, if requested, reimburse the travel and accommodation costs of the experts.
  • Assist the Deployment Group on Primary Producers in the preparation of tangible outputs, such as policy reports, analyses, or recommendations targeted for the CBE JU Governing Board, but, also if needed, translated into other languages.
  • Identify, and set-up efficient mechanisms to follow-up on the challenges faced by the primary sector with impact on the deployment of circular bio-based solutions and innovations and other critical issues identified by the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers, as well as opportunities (e.g., successful business models, success stories with replicability potential, etc.).
  • Develop collaboration structures and methods between primary producers and the industry, involving Bio-based Industries Consortium, for the creation of bio-based value chains offering them mutual benefits.
  • Perform other additional activities to support the activities of the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers, maximising its impact, and multiplying its effect, including dissemination and communication activities in different languages, as needed (e.g., promotional material, digital dissemination tools, networking and stakeholder management tools, events, seminars, etc.) and activities to enhance cooperation with the rest of stakeholders that are part of the value chains.
  • Connect and build on the work already done through existing initiatives and networks, such as the Common Agricultural Policy and the European and national CAP, the EIP-AGRI and the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems, as well as other relevant initiatives and networks for the fishery and aquaculture sectors; and propose and implement actions to ensure synergies with them for enhanced deployment (e.g. in terms of capacity building, knowledge exchange, exchange of good practices, development of skills, promotion, etc.).
  • Identify, in close cooperation with the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers, areas for which analysis of past and ongoing R&I projects is needed according to the needs and priorities of the group.

Prepare a final report at the end of the CSA aimed at ensuring continuity of actions in the future and build-up upon on the results of the CSA:

  • Proposals may involve financial support to third parties to provide direct support (e.g., in the form of cascading grants) to actions related to teaming). Beneficiaries may provide financial support to third parties. The support to third parties can only be provided in the form of grants. The maximum amount to be granted to each third party is €60.000. A maximum €300.000 of the EU funding can be allocated to this purpose.

Call Total Budget

€3 million

Thematic Categories

  • Agriculture - Farming - Forestry
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Fisheries/ Aquaculture and Maritime Policy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Farmers, Agriculturalists
  • Fishermen, Aquaculturists, Owners of Vessels
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date
