SMART4ALL Third FTTE Open Call


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Funding under projects

Programme Description

Funding provided under previews programmes.

Programme Details


SMART4ALL Third FTTE Open Call


The  activities that qualify for financial support are related to the  exchange of knowledge of CLEC for CPS and IoT, to be applied in four  SMART4ALL verticals with European leadership and strategic importance  (see the section Guides&Documents):
  • Digitized Transport
  • Digitized Environment
  • Digitized Agriculture
  • Digitized Anything

Detailed Call Description

KTEs are a short-term (3 months) internship projects between two different  entities from two different Countries (see eligible countries below):  one Academic/Industrial partner who act as Sending Organization and one  Academic/Industrial partner who act as Host Organization.

Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTE) comprise  a novel type of experiments allowing smaller projects, or less mature  ideas to be presented, tested and thus potentially find the fertile  ground to grow and reveal its product potentials.


Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The KTE experiments will be supported with a lump sum of up to EUR 8,000 each to cover mobility allowance for implementing the internship.

The consortia will be free to distribute this amount among the two partners. However:

  • Each  consortium will need to explain in the online application form how the  amount will be distributed between the partners and what category of  costs each partner will be responsible for.
  • The  grant will be paid to the Leading Partner who will be responsible for  its distribution within the consortium. Each consortium will decide  which organisation will be the Leading Partner, but it must always have  an Industrial Partner status (SME or Slightly Bigger company. Details of  the grant distribution among partners will be described in the  Sub-Grant Agreement.
  • Before  deciding on the distribution of expenditure in the project, attention  should be paid to EU and national social security regulations. Social  security costs should be borne by the partner who is obliged to do so  under the above-mentioned regulations.


Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Industry

Eligibility for Participation

  • Educational Institutions
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligibility For Participation Notes

The following types of organisations are eligible to participate in the call:

  • Universities and other Academic Institutions.
  • SME and Slightly Bigger Companies, as defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361.  Slightly Bigger Companies are defined respectively as organisations  with a staff headcount below 500 employees and a turnover below €100M.

System Integrators and/or Technology Providers,  i.e. any type of organisation specialised in technology transfer or  system integration, serving the needs of end-users, provided they can be  categorised in one of the two previous types of beneficiaries. For  this KTE Open Call, a Sending and Host organisation shall apply  together as a consortium. The application has to be submitted by the lead Industrial partner.  
The members of the consortia can agree on a  bi-directional transfer of knowledge but there has to be always an  organisation sending a member of its staff to an organisation from  another country hosting him or her. Additionally, the Leading Partner must always have an Industrial partner status (SME or Slightly Bigger company).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point


(Published date: 05/08/2022)