Screening platform and biomarkers for prediction and prevention of diseases of unmet public health need


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Innovative Health Initiative

Programme Description

IHI JU is based on the idea that interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration will enable perspective and breakthrough innovations in healthcare, including the pharmaceutical industry but also new fields such as biopharmaceuticals, medical technologies and biotechnologies.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Screening platform and biomarkers for prediction and prevention of diseases of unmet public health need


As the population of the European Union ages, the rising burden of disease is a major challenge to the sustainability and resilience of healthcare systems. The identification of individuals at risk of developing an illness so that they can receive an appropriate treatment before the disease develops is an important factor to address this problem.
Projects funded under this topic should address this challenge by developing an open platform for screening individuals with the aim of identifying people at risk of disease.

Detailed Call Description

Funded under this topic are expected to:

  • Set up a comprehensive interdisciplinary collaboration of the clinical research, industrial, public health, and health technologies communities to develop the screening platform and generate the evidence base for general population screening. This platform should be built to operate in an open-source environment allowing interoperability with applications from different providers, and build on clearly identified existing initiatives where relevant, while aiming at facilitating reusability (for example, a modular structure to enable flexibility and customisation to support new developments).
  • Clinically validate and assess the utility of the screening platform and biomarkers to identify people at risk by designing and implementing a large-scale general population cohort screening study in several representative European countries.
  • Design and clinically validate innovative assay technologies for disease risk identification, including digital technologies with data capture/analysis.
  • Deliver digital tools for more effective and efficient management and execution of screening programmes and improved disease prevention. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools should be robust and explainable where relevant.
  • Publish the relevant methods, standard operating procedures (SOPs), algorithms, standards and guidelines to allow the platform to be used more broadly and for diagnostics and therapies to be developed.
  • Develop a plan/roadmap based on solid evidence to facilitate the regulatory qualification of the biomarkers identified and used within the project, and seek engagement with regulators where relevant (e.g. through the EMA Innovation Task Force, scientific advice).
  • Develop and optimise relevant clinical practice guidelines through systematic evidence and outcome review, while addressing factors influencing uptake of these biomarkers in clinical practice.
  • Raise awareness of disease prevention and provide training and education to relevant healthcare professionals, patients and family members.

A key objective is to facilitate changing healthcare practice, so applicants will need to demonstrate that their outputs can be taken up by healthcare systems and take steps to facilitate this.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

At least 45% of the action’s eligible costs are provided by contributions from industry members, their constituent or affiliated entities, and contributing partners.
Maximum financial contribution from IHI up to €30,000,000.
A financial contribution of IHI between € 10,000,000 and €15,000,000 will allow a proposal to adequately address these results. However, this does not preclude submitting and selecting a proposal that requests different amounts.

Thematic Categories

  • Health
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • State-owned Enterprises

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

All questions regarding JU JU invitations should be directed to