Protection of the euro against counterfeiting


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Pericles IV Programme (Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting Programme) (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Pericles IV Programme (follow-up to the Pericles 2020 programme) funds staff exchanges, seminars, trainings and studies for law enforcement and judicial authorities, banks and others involved in combating euro-counterfeiting. Actions can take place in the euro area, in EU countries outside the euro area and in third countries.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Protection of the euro against counterfeiting


The present call aims to support and supplement the measures undertaken by the Member States and assist the competent national and authorities in their efforts to develop among themselves and with the European Commission a close and regular cooperation and an exchange of best practices, where appropriate including third countries and international organisations.

Detailed Call Description

The call targets the following actions:

  • Exchange and dissemination of information, through organising workshops, meetings and seminars, including training, targeted placements and exchanges of staff of competent national authorities and other similar actions. The exchange of information should be targeted on the best practices in preventing counterfeiting and fraud relating to the euro, on methodologies for monitoring and analysing the economic and financial impact of counterfeiting, as well as, the enquiry and investigation methods. Additionally, it will focus on the operation of databases and early warning systems, the use of detection tools, the scientific assistance, including monitoring of new developments, the protection of the euro outside the Union, research actions and the provision of specific operational expertise.
  • Technical, scientific and operational assistance, including any appropriate measure which establish teaching resources at Union level, such as a handbook of legislation, information bulletins, practical manuals, glossaries and lexicons, databases, especially in the area of scientific assistance or technology watch or computer support applications, such as software. Additionally, this assistance will be provided to relevant studies with a multidisciplinary and transnational dimension, including research on innovative security features, development of technical support instruments and methods to facilitate detection actions at Union level, support for cooperation in operations involving at least two States when such support cannot be made available from other Programmes of European institutions and bodies.
  • Purchase of equipment to be used by specialised anti-counterfeiting authorities of third countries for protecting the euro against counterfeiting.

Applicants must have stable and sufficient resources as well as the know-how, qualifications and resources to successfully implement the projects.

Call Total Budget

€450,000 This budget might be increased by maximum 20%.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The participants can apply for a higher project funding rate 90%, if the project is a ‘priority action’ (page 13-14 of the call document).

Thematic Categories

  • Economy-Finances

Eligibility for Participation

  • Financial Institutions

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • Βe competent national authorities in the area of the protection of the euro against counterfeiting.
  • Βe from a Euro area or, once the Programme is extended, non-Euro area Member State.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

1)The Central Bank of Cyprus
Currency Section
80 Kennedy Avenue,
1076 Nicosia
Tel. +357 22714165
Fax +357 22714941

2) The Cyprus Police Forensic Science Laboratory
Criminalistic Services
Police Headquarters
1478 Nicosia

Tel. +357 22607240-45
Fax +357 22808936

EU Contact Point

For help related to this call, please contact: