Patient-generated evidence to improve outcomes, support decision making, and accelerate innovation


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Innovative Health Initiative

Programme Description

IHI JU is based on the idea that interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration will enable perspective and breakthrough innovations in healthcare, including the pharmaceutical industry but also new fields such as biopharmaceuticals, medical technologies and biotechnologies.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Patient-generated evidence to improve outcomes, support decision making, and accelerate innovation


The amount of health data generated by citizens themselves is rapidly increasing. Such data includes patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), patient preference information (PPI), and patient-reported experience measures (PREMs), as well as other digital health data/digital biomarkers. These data are often fragmented among multiple providers, so that neither the citizen, nor the healthcare ecosystem have a comprehensive overview, and therefore it is very challenging to fully use these data to provide reliable evidence for decision-makers, and to improve health outcomes.

Detailed Call Description

Research and innovation (R&I) actions to be supported under this topic will aim to address this challenge by:

  • Developing a framework to integrate patient input and patient-generated data for use in decision making (regulatory, health economic evaluation, reimbursement, healthcare programme design, tailored prescription of therapies, and technology development), benefit-risk evaluation and value assessment of integrated healthcare solutions. Applicants should build on existing frameworks where appropriate and appropriately address ethics considerations.
  • Implement several use cases to support and demonstrate the use of the framework, focusing on using patient input and patient-generated evidence to address challenges that are not adequately addressed by other initiatives. These use cases should demonstrate the value of using patient input (PROMs, PPI, PREMs) and patient generated data (digital health data/digital biomarkers) along the healthcare continuum, including showcasing improvements to data interoperability, healthcare workflows and processes, disease prevention, and care, including home-based care.
  • Facilitating multi-stakeholder access to patient inputs and patient-generated health data such that actionable harmonised data can be used for quality decision making.
  • Comparing/contrasting the properties of the three types of patient input (PROMs, PPI, PREMs), identify differences and opportunities for integrated/complementary use.
  • Developing an approach or approaches to integrating PROMs, PPI, and PREMs data into the design of core outcomes sets, end-to-end patient treatment pathways, clinical decision support systems, and treatment guidelines.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

At least 45% of the action’s eligible costs are provided by contributions from industry members, their constituent or affiliated entities, and contributing partners.
Maximum financial contribution from IHI up to €24,000,000.
A financial contribution of IHI between €10,000,000 and €14,000,000  will allow a proposal to adequately address these results. However, this does not preclude submitting and selecting a proposal that requests different amounts.

Thematic Categories

  • Health
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

All questions regarding JU JU invitations should be directed to