Mobilize inclusive participation in bio-based systems and supporting the CBE JU widening strategy and its action plan


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking

Programme Description

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) that funds projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe.

CBE JU is operating under the rules of Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation programme, for the 2021-2031 period. The partnership is building on the success of its predecessor, the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), while addressing the current challenges facing the industry.


Programme Details

Identifier Code



Mobilize inclusive participation in bio-based systems and supporting the CBE JU widening strategy and its action plan


Stimulating research activities in countries and regions with underdeveloped R&I capacity for bio-based systems is a stated priority of the CBE JU Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and is monitored by a specific KPI 10 ‘Improving the participation of regions and countries with high unexploited potential and strategic interest to develop it’.

In this context, a dedicated Widening Participation strategy for the CBE JU was endorsed by the CBE JU Governing Board together with its first Action Plan for the period 2023-2024, which includes a list of concrete actions to step up the participation of under-represented countries in the CBE JU programme.

This CSA is one of the measures aiming at supporting the practical implementation of the CBE JU Widening Participation and its action plans.

Detailed Call Description

Proposals under this topic should:

A. Foster stakeholder engagement and collaboration:

  • Target stakeholders from countries and regions covered by the CBE JU Widening Participation strategy. The participation in the consortia of stakeholders from other countries and regions is encouraged, if aimed at the exchange of best practice and mutual learning and at fostering capacity building.
  • The development of joint projects could be promoted, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and collaboration between bio-based clusters in different regions.

B. Develop capacity building and raise awareness

  • Provide a support/knowledge transfer platform for all stakeholders in the bio-based economy, especially focussing on attracting newcomers, with a particular attention to industrial representatives. This may cover the creation of an online platform with information resources, webinars or training courses, aiming at the exchange of best practices.
  • Incorporate actions on increasing awareness about CBE JU, via a co-creation/participatory/ trust building approach, including in local languages as appropriate. The proposed activities shall leverage on relevant existing national and regional programmes in the bioeconomy sector, to empower the local biobased sectors.
  • Provide recommendations for the growth of the bio-based sector and for an increased engagement of all stakeholders in the targeted countries and regions, aimed at policy makers and replicators. Recommendations can also cover any newly identified bottleneck preventing the participation of local stakeholders in bio-based activities to increase their engagement, including information and exchange sharing in local languages, as relevant.

C. Promote synergies

  • Synergies with relevant (macro-)regional networks such as the BIOEAST Initiative are encouraged.
  • Analyse the possibility of establishing collaborations with relevant bio-based funding programmes at EU, national or regional level with a particular focus on European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF, ESF+, CF, EAFRD, EMFF), the implementation of Recovery and Resilience Facility and the Just Transition Fund, to maximise the impact of complementary funding in the bio-based sector.
  • Synergies with relevant EC funded projects is also expected. An inventory of relevant EC funded projects is included in the CBE JU Widening strategy. This list represent the state of the art and should be considered by the applicants when proposing new measures.
  • Proposals may involve financial support to third parties to provide direct support (e.g., in the form of cascading grants) to actions related to teaming. Beneficiaries may provide financial support to third parties. The support to third parties can only be provided in the form of grants. The maximum amount to be granted to each third party is €60.000. A maximum €300.000 of the EU funding can be allocated to this purpose.

Call Total Budget

€3 million

Thematic Categories

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Industry
  • Public Administration
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date
