Knowledge Transfer Network


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

SESAR Joint Undertaking

Programme Description

The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking is an institutionalised European partnership between private and public sector partners set up to accelerate through research and innovation the delivery of the Digital European Sky.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Knowledge Transfer Network

Detailed Call Description

  • ATM concepts roadmap.
  • Take-up.
  • Wiki. Building on the one-stop knowledge hub (i.e. wiki) being developed by the current ER project Engage (with an estimated extended grant end date of 30 June 2022), the selected consortium will be in charge of maintaining and updating the wiki with at least the following content:
    • a research repository for all research conducted within the framework of the SESAR R&I programmes (SESAR 1, SESAR 2020, Digital European Sky), clustered by themes, strands of research, operational improvements, project names, keywords, etc.
    • a mapping of European university programmes, featuring details of undergraduate programmes related to air transport engineering and aviation management, and postgraduate programmes that perform ATM-related research (regardless of the main research field).
  • Catalyst funding. 
  • SESAR Digital Academy initiative. The network will support the European ATM education and training required to develop new talent with a deep knowledge of future ATM scientific research needs, sustain a supply of bright young research talent in the long term and stimulate the next generation of ATM operational and engineering staff. To achieve this, the selected consortium will carry out at least the following activities.
    • It will launch calls for PhD research projects, managing the call text, the selection process, funding and promotion, and coordinating the participation of the funded PhD students in key SESAR Digital Academy events. It will also be responsible for signposting other financial support opportunities for students pursuing PhDs and other postgraduate theses or dissertations on innovative research ideas.
    • It will facilitate placements and/or training opportunities, offering students a chance to develop new skills and gain valuable industry experience.
    • It will support the promotion of the SESAR Young Scientist Award campaigns, helping to ensure the visibility of the campaign and encouraging aviation students to submit applications.
    • It will support the SESAR 3 JU in the preparation and execution of webinars and other similar events (see also the following bullet point).
  • Events, publications and website. The network will support the SESAR 3 JU in the preparation and execution of the SESAR Innovation Days, including calls for contributions, selecting papers and posters, promotion, defining the technical programme, chairing panels, identifying speakers including keynote speakers, etc. In addition, the network will organise workshops and symposiums, ATM research summer schools, and digital challenges / hackathons, and will produce newsletters and carry out other actions aimed at the dissemination and sharing of SESAR exploratory research and the network’s results, potentially including the publication of a European ATM periodic academic journal and/or a series of special issues in existing journals.

Call Total Budget


Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Information Technology
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Educational Institutions
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Eligibility For Participation Notes

Beneficiaries will be subject to the following additional dissemination obligations:

– Beneficiaries must make proactive efforts to share on a royalty free basis, in a timely manner and as appropriate, all relevant results with the other grants awarded under the same call.

– Beneficiaries must acknowledge and incorporate these obligations in the proposal, outlining the efforts they will make towards meeting them and in Annex I to the Grant Agreement.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point


(Publish Date: 20/04/2022-for internal use only)