Grant Scheme for Residential Solar Water Heating Systems (2023)


Programme Category

Cyprus Recovery And Resilience Plan

Programme Name

Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan – Axis 2. Accelerated transition to a green economy

Programme Description

The second Policy Axis seeks to make a significant contribution to green transition and environmental sustainability, through the achievement of national targets for climate neutrality, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. It promotes reforms in the fields of climate and energy, sustainable transport, water resources management and the wider environment.

This axis is also the most important in terms of the overall contribution of the Plan to the climate targets, which reaches 41% of the total budget of the Plan, with actions over €500 million that are diffused in almost all policy areas.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Grant Scheme for Residential Solar Water Heating Systems (2023)


The Scheme is intended to

  1. provide financial incentives, in the form of non-repayable financial aid, to install or replace solar water heating systems in existing housing.
  2. combined with the Grant Scheme to encourage the use of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Saving, achieve a reduction in primary energy consumption by at least 30% on average, from all supported housing within the framework of the two Schemes.

Detailed Call Description

The Scheme provides financial incentives for the installation or replacement of an integrated water heating system (water tank and solar collectors) of which:

  • The Solar collectors are solar keymark certified
  • The hot water tank is of energy class B or higher if it has a capacity of up to 200Lt or energy class C or higher for a capacity of more than 200Lt.
  • The installation will be carried out by certified installers that are registered in the “List of Participating Installers”.
  • The equipment installed is included in the “Eligible Equipment List”, which is pre-approved and coded.

Basic parameters of the Scheme

A ”PRE-APPROVAL APPLICATION” must be submitted BEFORE the implementation of the investment. The investments are eligible for:

  • funding only for equipment purchased and installed after the date that PRE-APPROVAL is granted.
  • In the case of PRE-APPROVAL, the applicant must, within four (4) months, complete the investment and the participating installer must confirm the installation of the Solar System, through the electronic system.
  • The installation of the system is considered implemented when the installation work has been completed and the system has been connected to the house and is fully operational.

Closing date of call: 20/12/2023 or until the final submission of 3000 pre-approval applications, whichever comes first.

Call Total Budget

€2 000 000

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The amount of the grant per beneficiary and/or per application and/or per residence is €500.

The above amount is increased to €900 for installations in houses:

  • where vulnerable electricity consumers live
  • that fall under the mountainous areas.

Thematic Categories

  • Energy

Eligibility for Participation

  • Natual person / Citizen / Individual

Eligibility For Participation Notes

Natural persons who have made a corresponding investment.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Management Committee of the Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Conservation Fund:

Energy Service – Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry

Name: Kyriacos Kyrizis
Industrial Extension Officer
Τelephone: 22409350
Email: Contact |
Fax: 22606002