EU Competence Centre to support data management in tourism destinations


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

EU Preparatory Actions

Programme Description

The main objective of Preparatory Actions is to prepare future EU actions in various priority policy fields.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



EU Competence Centre to support data management in tourism destinations


The objective of the grant will be to contribute to setting up and operation of a knowledge hub that can provide destinations with guidance and information related to data management, as well as business intelligence on how to source and use data and apply data-intensive information to address policy actions and strategies.

The selected beneficiary, under the present call, must set up a competence centre (knowledge hub) with a business and intelligence support scheme for destination management organisations (DMOs) across the EU, and optionally for tourism SMEs, with a view to support their transition towards data-driven management practices.

Detailed Call Description

The competence centre needs to support both data management and data sharing practices across destinations and regions, as well as within a destination ecosystem. The applicants must describe in their proposals how they will set up the competence centre and its support scheme.

 The competence centre’s (knowledge hub’s) support scheme must offer the following activities to destinations, although the offer must be tailored based on the destinations’ needs:

  • Overviewing the main data needs and uses by destinations, and the key players in the single market, thereby centralising knowledge and access to big and traditional data for the use of DMOs;
  • Facilitating the creation of public-private data sharing agreements to support destination management in different types of destinations (urban, rural, coastal, mountain, islands, etc.);
  • Facilitating cross-border/transnational cooperation by mapping relevant data sets and how they are generated, accessed and managed, as well as the challenges different types of destinations may have to use this data to transition to more sustainable, competitive and innovative practices;
  • Identifying key data for destination and tourism businesses’ management, with particular attention to competitiveness and sustainability goals, in order to provide DMOs (and EU tourism industry) with easy-to-use tools for strategic decisions and for monitoring improvements in sustainability and resilience of destinations;
  • Creating and implementing common approach to describe, generate and share data on tourism service offer, aligning with the efforts on preparing the EU tourism data space and collaborating with other existing EU initiatives;
  • Providing expertise, training and capacity-building activities on the opportunities of data-based approaches to tourism marketing and management, tools to analyse data trends, data analytics, business intelligence, use of different types of data sources, establishing data sharing agreements, or on other aspects of digitalisation, as appropriate;
  • Making information and data as regards tourism services (tourism offer) and their characteristics across the destinations available online, on an open standards-based platform;
  • Exchanging and disseminating developed knowledge, good practice and project results.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


One proposal will be funded.

Thematic Categories

  • New Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness
  • Tourism

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • Educational Institutions
  • Large Enterprises
  • Legal Entities
  • NGOs
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies), established in EU Member States.

 Consortium composition – Proposals must be submitted by a consortium, which complies with all of the following conditions:

  • minimum 4 and maximum 7 applicants (beneficiaries, not affiliated entities);
  • minimum 3 and maximum 5 different eligible countries;
  • minimum 1 business support organisation (relates to a business incubator/accelerator, start-up, lab, innovation hub, university or educational institution, research centre and any other relevant organisations); and
  • minimum 1 destination management organisation (DMO) (a public or private stakeholder/ authority that manages a local, regional or national tourism strategy in one of the countries forming part of the consortium).

Applicants are encouraged to involve two regional and/or national statistical offices as members in their consortia.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

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