IHI JU is based on the idea that interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration will enable perspective and breakthrough innovations in healthcare, including the pharmaceutical industry but also new fields such as biopharmaceuticals, medical technologies and biotechnologies.
This topic is focused on establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases. The topic aims to unravel roadblocks on the current clinical development pathways and deliver methodological solutions for innovative clinical trial designs and analyses, including regulatory considerations.
To fulfil the above aim, the proposal should:
To be successful and deliver according to the objectives, it is important:
The indicative in-kind and financial contribution from industry partners is €9 100 000.
The allocation of the €575 000 financial contribution will be decided by the full consortium at the second stage when preparing the full proposal.
Applicant consortia should bring together partners with relevant expertise such as regulators, healthcare professionals, patient representatives / organisations, health technology developers, research organisations, academia, biostatisticians, legal experts, ethicists. Participation of SMEs with expertise in clinical development in small populations and/or in the use of digital health technologies is encouraged.
The composition of the consortium should also ensure a broad geographical representation of EU member states. For the development of the playbooks, input from other relevant stakeholders, in particular HTA bodies, would be necessary.
All questions regarding JU JU invitations should be directed to infodesk@ihi.europa.eu.