EIT Urban Mobility -Business Plan 2023-2025- Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) Education Open Call – Mobility for more liveable urban spaces


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Horizon Europe is the European Union (EU) funding programme for the period 2021 – 2027, which targets the sectors of research and innovation. The programme’s budget is around € 95.5 billion, of which € 5.4 billion is from NextGenerationEU to stimulate recovery and strengthen the EU’s resilience in the future, and € 4.5 billion is additional aid.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



EIT Urban Mobility -Business Plan 2023-2025- Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) Education Open Call – Mobility for more liveable urban spaces


This call aims at funding projects that can support the overall RIS strategy and aims, offer high-quality education, reach a large audience and market, and gain recognition efficiently with a lasting effect.

Detailed Call Description

EIT Urban Mobility RIS is designed as a two-way interaction scheme. By sharing good practices of Knowledge Triangle Integration (KTI) and increasing activities in eligible countries, EIT Urban Mobility gains access to productive inputs, business skills, talent, cooperation opportunities in education, market and business, currently untapped entrepreneurial potential, customers for innovative ventures, innovation, knowledge, knowhow and technology transfer possibilities, additional test beds for applications of innovative solutions as well as access to co-funding options provided by EU, Regional and National Support Schemes.

In the medium term, EIT Urban Mobility RIS is expected to facilitate the incorporation of relevant players of the local innovation ecosystems into EIT Urban Mobility ecosystems and foster the Knowledge Triangle Integration approach as a framework for the enhancement of innovation capacity.

There are four general topics (RISE 1-4) that can be addressed by the proposals:

  • RISE 1: Capacity-building (e.g. train the trainer, trainings aimed at improving innovation and entrepreneurial skills with a focus on urban mobility, programmes aimed at defining challenges, facilitating mutual learning, co-creating solutions).
  • RISE 2: Education and training activities with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship as well as urban mobility with a potential to reach a large audience and market, and gain recognition efficiently with a lasting impact.
  • RISE 3: Organisation of summer and winter schools for bachelor students in domain of area of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • RISE4: Scaling-up of local existing activities to reach wider audience and wider impact.

A number of specified activity areas to meet EIT Urban Mobility RIS Education targets, including capacity building, education and training with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship and urban mobility, and organisation of summer and winter schools.

Further details:

  • The deadline for the submission of applications is 17 July 2024, 17h00 (Brussels time).
    The EIT UM submission platform will be available starting from the first week of June 2024.
  • EIT Urban Mobility will host an an online information session on 6th of June 2024, 11h00 (Brussels time) focused on the call content, the challenges, and requirements, as well as on the general procedures, such as the submission and evaluation process and the PLAZA submission tool. To register for the webinars, please click here.
  • More events concerning the RIS Education call will be organised in cooperation with RIS Hubs and will be announced through EIT Urban Mobility and the respective RIS Hubs communication channels.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Projects under RISE1, RISE2 and RISE4 categories will be awarded a maximum of €150.000 EIT funding per project, whilst the maximum EIT funding per project under RIS3 will be €85.000.

Indicative budget allocation per activity type:


  • Indicative EIT budget allocation: About €1.245.000
  • Indicative EIT funding per project: €150.000


  • Indicative EIT budget allocation: About €255.000
  • Indicative EIT funding per project: €85.000

All RISE 1, RISE2 and RISE3 proposals must have a minimum co-funding rate of 25%, while RISE4 proposals must have a minimum co-funding rate of 50%. Co-funding exceeding these rates will be positively assessed. The minimum co-funding rate refers to the total project budget.

The duration of proposals submitted for RISE1, RISE2 and RISE4 can differ according to the type of activities planned. While short-term projects (up to nine months) are more likely to achieve fast results, 12-month projects will also be supported. Projects can choose a start date between 1 November 2024 and 1 January 2025. Projects must end by 31 December 2025.

RISE3 projects will last for nine months and, while winter school projects are expected to start on 1 November 2024, summer school projects are expected to start on 1 January 2025.

Thematic Categories

  • New Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness
  • Urban Development

Eligibility for Participation

  • Educational Institutions
  • Legal Entities
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligibility For Participation Notes

This call for proposals is open to all legal entities established in European Union (EU) Member States, and/or in third countries associated with Horizon Europe. These legal entities may be universities, research organisations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups or cities, among others, and may or may not be EIT Urban Mobility partners. Former EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hubs and entities from Outermost Regions are encouraged to apply to this call by submitting proposals aligned with their preferred activity types.

This call is open to both multi-participant and mono-participant proposals from one or more RIS country. In the case of multi-participant proposals, proposals must, as a minimum requirement, be composed of at least 2 independent legal entities from at least 1 RIS country. In case of mono-beneficiary proposals, the applicant must be from a RIS country.

In the case of multi-participant proposals that involve entities from one country only and mono-participant proposals, the consortia are invited to explain how they are going to achieve the pan-European dimension in their projects. At the same time, the applying consortia are invited to integrate the knowledge triangle in their activities and should explain how cities, academia and industry partners are involved in the project design, development and implementation.

The applicants are from EU member states, including the Outermost Regions or third countries associated with HE, and are fully registered in both the EU Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal and the submission tool.

For further information and the list of affected entities, please refer to Annex I of the Eligibility of Expenditure document published on the webpage of the call for proposals.

Participating in one of EIT Urban Mobility projects means being part of the EIT Urban Mobility community. All entities of selected proposals are asked to be part of the community and to choose one of the following membership categories when initiating their projects:

  • Gold members: they pay an annual fee of €30.000 and have full access to all benefit packages offered by EIT Urban Mobility.
  • Silver members: they pay an annual fee of €10.000 and have limited access to all benefit packages offered by EIT Urban Mobility. In the case of Small Enterprises and NGOs, a reduced annual fee of €5.000 will be applied.
  • Leading cities: with an annual fee of €10.000 they have full access to the gold membership package and the additional city-pecific services. In the case of cities with a population of below 300,000 inhabitants, a reduced annual fee of €5.000 will be applied.

Detailed description of all packages and related benefits, as well as the registration and conditions for membership is outlined on the EIT Urban Mobility website.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation
 29a Andrea Michalakopoulou, 1075 Nicosia, P.B. 23422, 1683 Nicosia
Telephone: +357 22205000
Fax: +357 22205001
Email: support@research.org.cy

Contact Persons:

George Christou
Scientific Officer
Email: gchristou@research.org.cy

Nedi Kaffa
Scientific Officer
Email: nkaffa@research.org.cy

EU Contact Point

All applicants may contact EIT Urban Mobility RIS for content, topic-related related questions by contacting https://eit.europa.eu/contact