Broadband Connectivity Voucher Scheme


Programme Category

Cyprus Recovery And Resilience Plan

Programme Name

Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan – Axis 4. Towards a digital era

Programme Description

The fourth Axis, aims to bridge the differences and to ensure the digital transformation of Cyprus, without exclusions and through adequate access to communication infrastructure for all citizens. This will be achieved by providing 5G mobile and fiber optic network coverage for 100% of the population, including the development of 5G mobile telephony along major terrestrial corridors and universal and affordable Gigabit connectivity across all urban and rural areas.

The axis is a fundamental part of the overall policy for the digital transformation of Cyprus, promoting a new economic model with a vision for a dynamic and competitive economy, based on knowledge and digital and emerging technologies.

Combined with a series of actions in the other policy areas, which also contribute to the digital transformation of the economy, the Plan has a total of over € 280 million for the digital transition, an amount that corresponds to 23% of the total budget of the Plan.

Programme Details

Identifier Code

Measure C4.1I2


Broadband Connectivity Voucher Scheme


The Scheme aims to encourage connection of end-users to Gigabit capable networks, deployed close to their residence, through the reduction of set-up costs and subscription fees. The main objective of the Scheme is to intensified demand for ultrahigh speed connections, while encouraging the market to invest in Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN), an objective that is fully in line with the Cyprus Broadband Plan 2021-2025.

Detailed Call Description

The ‘Connectivity Vouche Scheme’ has been included in Cyprus’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) for the period 2021-2026 (Axis 4.1 Connectivity Infrastructure Upgrade), contributing to the strategic objective of the country’s digital transformation. The Scheme will contribute to the EU’s strategic objectives set in the Communication for the Gigabit Society, the Communication for Shaping Europe’s Digital Future, the Communication on the Digital Compass, as well as the Digital Decade Policy Programme recently adopted by the European Council and Parliament.

The total budget of the Plan of EUR 10 million coming from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and, if required, from additional national resources of EUR 2 million. The Scheme will be in place until Q4 2024

based on the established objectives/commitments of the Republic of Cyprus in the RRP, and its budget will be allocated through two successive calls. The first call with a budget of EUR 3,5 million, to be allocated from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and, where appropriate, from national resources, with a deadline of 30/9/2023 (or earlier if the available budget is absorbed), aims to achieve the first target set in the RRP (24.300 “Gigabit-ready” premises by the Q2 2023). This will be followed by a second call with a budget of at least EUR 6,5 million, which will cover the second target set in the RRF (a total of 82.000 “Gigabit-ready” premises by Q2 2025). Inparticular, the ‘Connectivity Voucher Scheme’ provides a grant to cover part of the set-up cost and part of the monthly subscription cost for the first twelve months of broadband connection with download speeds of at least 200 Mbps at peak time conditions. The total value of the grant is a fixed amount of EUR 120 per connection for one year. Eligible beneficiaries of the project will be individuals who install a connection for the first time or wish to upgrade their existing connection which should be less than 100 Mbps, connected to services of at least 200Mbps, regardless of technology. More specifically, the beneficiaries of the scheme are households located in the Republic of Cyprus within the intervention areas. Intervention areas are all the areas of the Republic of Cyprus that can provide the required speeds. Both Multi-dwelling units (MDU) and single dwelling units (SDU) are eligible under the Scheme. Each Beneficiary may be awarded a single connection to a single postal address. However, vouchers cannot be used to change an existing connection that meets the criteria of the Scheme from one Provider to another (e.g. switching to download speed of 200Mbps to another Provider at the same speed).

Beneficiaries will be able to benefit from the eligible services through the Telecom Providers participating in the Scheme. All Electronic Communications Providers who are interested in providing speeds/connectivity on the basis of the specifications of the Scheme can apply for participation. In addition, they will be able to benefit from the voucher scheme independently of the technological platform through which they provide their services. The Scheme ensures that there is no discrimination between operators and that all providers can participate on equal terms.

Expiration date: 31/12/2024 or until the amount is finished.

Call Total Budget

€6.5 million

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The total value of the grant is a fixed amount of €120 per connection for one year.

Thematic Categories

  • Telecommunications

Eligibility for Participation

  • Other Beneficiaries

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Department of Electronic Communications

Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy –

Persons to contact:

Nicos Ioannou
Electronic Communications Officer
Telephone: 22814875
Email address:
Fax: 22321925

Andronikos Kakkouras
Senior Electronic Communications Officer
Telephone: 22814861
Email address:
Fax: 22321925
