ATM application-oriented research for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for aviation


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

SESAR Joint Undertaking

Programme Description

The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking is an institutionalised European partnership between private and public sector partners set up to accelerate through research and innovation the delivery of the Digital European Sky.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



ATM application-oriented research for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for aviation


WA2 (ATM application‐oriented research) comprises the exploratory research activities aiming to bridge the results of ATM excellent science and outreach and the higher maturity ATM research performed with a wider research community, as part of SESAR 3 JU industrial research activities. It also aims at providing the necessary scientific support to ATM change. WA2 covers content that has already completed TRL1 in previous research activities and the objective is to complete TRL2.

The challenge is to design and develop concrete innovative AI applications (that are already TRL1, achieved within SESAR programme or outside) that aim at:

  • Enabling better use of data, leading to more accurate predictions and more sophisticated tools (e.g. new conflict detection, traffic advisory and resolution tools), increased productivity and enhancing the use of airspace and airport;
  • Enriching aviation datasets with new types of datasets unlocking air/ground AI-based applications, fostering data-sharing and building up an inclusive AI aviation/ATM partnership to better support decision-makers, pilots, air traffic controllers and other stakeholders;
  • Supporting (i.e. AI assistants) all ATM actors from planning to operations and across all airspace users;
  • Enabling the virtualisation of infrastructure and air traffic service provision in all types of airspace, ranging from very low to high altitude operations. In doing so, AI will enable the system to become more modular and agile, while building resilience to disruption, traffic growth and greater airspace user diversity;
  • Developing new ATM/U-space services.

Detailed Call Description

The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes.

  • Innovative methodologies for quantifying the impact on safety and resilient performance of higher automation in ATM. This research aims at developing new methodologies for quantifying the impact on safety and resilient performance of higher automation in the ATM system applying data-driven techniques.
  • Safety filter for AI solution. Study safety filter concept for data prediction responsible for deciding on the usability of the ML model predicted data. Safety filter works as a safeguard, without human intervention, and qualifies the predicted sensor-data, as valid or invalid, by applying captured expertise rules.
  • Artificial situational awareness: This research aims at developing artificial situational awareness solutions based on high-integrity information that are able to describe the traffic situation on a sector (en-route / TMA) or airport and, integrated with machine-learning (ML), enable the assessment of probabilistic events (e.g., trajectory prediction or conflict detection).
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): The objective of this research is to improve transparency of automated systems in the ATM domain investigating methods based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in operational use cases e.g., predicting air traffic conflict resolution and delay propagation, validating the robustness and transparency of the system, etc.
  • AI-powered co-piloting. Research aims at investigating how AI can support pilots in complex and critical situations, when workload may be high and/or the time to react very limited.
  • AI for complex operations. This research is about developing AI-based human operator support tools to ensure the safe integration of new entrant aircraft types into an increasingly busy, heterogeneous and complex traffic mix (i.e. unmanned aircraft systems, supersonic aircraft, hybrid and fully electric aircraft).
  • User interface providing conflict resolution advisory transparency. This research focuses on visual elements that allow better understanding why a particular conflict resolution solution is recommended.
  • Guidelines for the design of future AI systems. This research relates to the application of EASA guidelines to the development of AI enabled systems in ATM.
  • Support to the certification of novel ATM-related AI/ML-based airborne and ground systems that enable higher levels of automation. The objective of this research element is to address issues related to the certification of novel ATM-related airborne and ground systems that enable higher levels of automation.
  • Development of framework to achieve effective Human-AI Teaming. As AI is developed to provide more intelligent behaviours, it is argued that there will be an increased need for AI systems to function effectively as team members with humans.
  • Extended reality (XR) in support of ATM operations. The research would investigate the operational and technical feasibility of training individually or collectively with other ATCOs as if they were executing remote simulations or validations through connection with remote real simulators.

Further details at the Funding&Tenders.

Call Total Budget

€25 000 000. The budget is divided as follows: Work Area 1: ΑΤΜ, Fundamental science and outreach - €9 000 000 Work Area 2: ATM application-oriented research - €16 000 000.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The maximum expected EU contribution per project for each of the topics under Work Area 1 is €1 000 000.

The maximum expected EU contribution per project for each of the topics under Work Area 2 is €2 000 000.

Thematic Categories

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Other Thematic Category
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Eligibility For Participation Notes

Beneficiaries will be subject to the following additional dissemination obligations:

  • Beneficiaries must make proactive efforts to share, on a royalty-free basis, in a timely manner and as appropriate, all relevant results with the other grants awarded under the same call;
  • Beneficiaries must acknowledge these obligations and incorporate them into the proposal, outlining the efforts they will make to meet them, and into Annex I to the grant agreement.

Beneficiaries will be subject to the following additional exploitation obligations:

  • beneficiaries must make available for reuse under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory conditions all relevant results generated, through a well-defined mechanism using a trusted repository;
  • if the purpose of the specific identified measures to exploit the results of the action is related to standardisation, beneficiaries must grant a non-exclusive licence to the results royalty-free;
  • if working on linked actions, beneficiaries must ensure mutual access to the background to and to the results of ongoing and closed linked actions, should this be necessary to implement tasks under the linked actions or to exploit results generated by the linked actions as defined in the conditions laid down in this biannual work programme and in the call for proposals.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


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